
ICAS Certificates, Reports and Medal Ceremony


We are pleased to advise that ICAS is now sponsored by the University of Sydney in Australia and New Zealand, one of the top universities in Australia and highly ranked among the best universities in the world.  As an outcome of this, each ICAS certificate will include the University of Sydney logo. 

Each online assessment is developed by a team of academics, many of them former teachers, and based on the curricula for the relevant year and subject to ensure an engaging and beneficial experience for all students. Schools and students receive professional diagnostic and performance assessment reports. The individual online reports are useful for highlighting students’ strengths and areas for improvement, and as a reference to identify gifted students to help them receive further enrichment. 

The students with outstanding achievements will be awarded with certificates of Merit (top 35%), Credit (top 25%), Distinction (top 10%), High Distinction (top 1%), and Medal Winner (top score) in Hong Kong and Macau region. All the participants will receive a printed certificate. Top score performers will be eligible for medals and are invited to attend special ceremonies for medal winners to have their academic excellence publicly recognised.

Expert consultants at ICAS Assessments provide guidance on the best ways for schools to utilize ICAS results. This enables a better understanding of students’ academic performance.

ICAS Certificates

All participating schools will receive:

  • School certificate to display in your school 
  • Certificate of appreciation for the ICAS Coordinator
  • Principal’s award 
  • School printed and online report 
  • Printed certificates for each of the participating students 

All participating students will receive:

  • Online reports
  • Printed and online certificates 

HK$160 will be charged for each certificate reprint.

ICAS Reports and Awards

Every participating student will receive reports and award certificates. The reports will help the schools to:

  • Point out the strengths and weaknesses of students for reference in future studies and career planning 
  • Provide online and written reports for schools, students and parents over the years to enhance learning and teaching
  • Clearly list the student performance in the subject, school and regions (Hong Kong SAR China and Macau SAR China) 
  • Participate in the ICAS Mathematics and Science to understand and assist students in STEM learning and development 
  • Identify gifted students for further enrichment 
  • Support scholarship applications and entry to selective school programmes

Every participating student will receive an award certificate for each assessment according to the following basis:

The online ICAS results for schools, individual student reports, and printed certificates will be released and delivered between early May and mid-June each year.  The printed ICAS certificates will be distributed by SF-Express to the ICAS Coordinators at their registered school office.

Ceremonies for ICAS Medal Winners

Ceremonies for ICAS medal winners are held in late June each year to acknowledge, encourage and reward outstanding academic achievements of students.

The 2023 ICAS Medal Winners Ceremony was successfully held on Saturday, 24 June 2023. The ceremony was organised by the International Competitions and Education (ICE) at the Conference Hall in the Hong Kong Productivity Council, located in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. Over 250 school leaders, teachers, parents, and medal winners attended the ceremony.

2024 ICAS Medal Winners Ceremony

Date: Friday, 28 June 2024
Arrival Time: 6:30 pm
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Venue: HKPC Conference Hall, 4/F, 78 Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Highlights of the 2023 ICAS Medal Winners Ceremony in Hong Kong​

How to apply for ICAS?

Please click on the links below.


Pay entry fees before 23rd December 2023 for Early Bird Discounted Entry Fees or by 31st January 2024 for Regular Entry Fees.

Contact ICAS Hong Kong and Macau Office

International Competitions and Education 

WhatsApp: (852) 67554435 / (852) 98897022 

Technical Support WhatsApp: (852) 52017988 

Office Telephone: (852) 37560091 

Address: Unit 506, 5/F, New World Tower One, 18 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 



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